Owners: Please be advised that the power company will SHUT OFF POWER to Mountain Lodge to conduct line repairs on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th from 1 to 4 p.m.
During this time:
- There will be no heat/HVAC, cell coverage, internet, landline phones, computers, wifi, hallway lights, etc.
- Doors by Allegheny Springs, the Ice Rink, Playground/Loading dock, and Treetop will be open. The Main Entrance and Ballhooter doors are electric and will NOT be open. Signs will be posted directing guests to the nearest open door.
- Electronic locks on unit doors will work as long as the code was transmitted prior to the outage.
- Elevators will be emptied and shut down about 12:50 p.m. to ensure no one is stranded.
- Toilets and sinks will continue to work.
Please note:
- NO EARLY CHECK-INS will be conducted on Wednesday. Please advise arriving guests not to come early as main entrances and elevators will be inaccessible until approximately 4 p.m.
- For MLS customers, if you have arrivals TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY that are not in Booking Center already, please enter them ASAP. Cleaning for Wednesday arrivals will be scheduled to be completed before 1 p.m. and late entries will not be able to be seen/cleaned until power returns at 4 p.m.
- The GM will hold FLASHLIGHT TRIVIA at 2 p.m. in the lobby for anyone who is interested.
Please share this information with guests so they can plan activities and food options outside of the building for this time period, but invite them to come to the lobby and enjoy trivia in case they choose not to go out. We will keep you posted if the power companys schedule changes, but keep in mind once the power is out that the Board will have no way to get updates from the GM to email or post until the power comes up again.
-Mountain Lodge Board and Management