What to do and expect when you are visiting Snowshoe?
- Guests are asked to practice social distancing and asked to wear masks at all times while in common areas.
- Please bring your own blankets and coffee filters. Only essential linens will be provided (i.e. sheets and towels).
- Guests may only ride the elevator one person at a time unless they are sharing a room, then members of that party may ride the elevator together.
- There will be no daily maid service.
- We have added vinyl pillow covers to each pillow so that they are easier to disinfect upon checkout. We have also put plastic remote covers on remotes for easier disinfecting.
- There will only be one unwrapped roll of toilet paper per bathroom provided and one unwrapped roll of paper towels in the kitchen.
- We will provide guests with a soiled linen bag upon check-in so that they can strip their own soiled linens out and put them in the soiled linen bags. This should allow for less contact with soiled items.
- Please check, double check, and triple-check your condo before checking out to make sure that you have packed up all personal belongings because we are no longer allowed to keep lost and found to help reduce cross-contamination.
- All rooms will be cleaned with cleaning supplies that meet CDC requirements.
Safety measures are taken for the management
- Installed Hand Sanitizing Stations to all floors (next to elevators)
- Added Wipe Stations (next to luggage carts)
- Upgraded all Cleaning Supplies to meet CDC Requirements
- Installed Social Distancing Signage throughout the Lodge
- 1 person at a time in the elevator (unless you are with someone from your own party).
Protect yourself and others during your trip:
- Clean your hands often.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, after touching surfaces frequently touched by others, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, and before touching your face or eating.
- If soap and water are not available, bring and use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub your hands together until they feel dry.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Avoid close contact with others.
- Keep 6 feet of physical distance from others.
- Wear a cloth face covering in public.
- Cover coughs and sneezes.